Honduras 2013!!
12 years ago
Hi everyone, Arrived in Houston last night, stayed over and caught the plane to Honduras at 9 am. Had a rough landing as they had high winds. It was such a choppy , frightening landing that everyone applauded the piolet after we landed! Had lunch in the offices of AjS, association for a more just society. 7 other people came ion on another flight. 3or 4 engineers and several ministers of a church called, Christain Reformed Curch. \\\they all seem fairly devoted. So as it turns out they are all members of the Christian Reformed Church! When they learned I was from Utah their leader said, "you're not Mormon" question mark. I said "I am Mormon and I hope you won't hold that against me. And by the way I am Christian!! Alot of them had dutch sounding names so I ask them if they were all "durchmen" They laughed because most of them were. They are a very friendly, fun group. The facilitators down here are women and from the states so that makes it nice. Got off the plane and looked at lots of faces directing the planes that looked and reminded me of my Tom and it brought a tear or two to my eyes. Am not having any luck on my own laptop but think there is a gal down here that is going to see if she can get it going. If I Have a busy day planned for tomorrow. And yes it is true, Hondujras now has the reputation for having the highest crime rate in the world!!! I'll say more about that later. We do have lots of police and armed gaurds at the hotel and at the offices. Anyway having a great time and know I will be making lasting friendships. Much love, Bonnie can I make start blogging again. ThaT BLOG IS HOLA DE hOINDURAS.BLOGSPOT .COM.